Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics

2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(2018)

引用 241|浏览189
We propose a novel single shot object detection network named Detection with Enriched Semantics (DES). Our motivation is to enrich the semantics of object detection features within a typical deep detector, by a semantic segmentation branch and a global activation module. The segmentation branch is supervised by weak segmentation ground-truth, i.e., no extra annotation is required. In conjunction with that, we employ a global activation module which learns relationship between channels and object classes in a self-supervised manner. Comprehensive experimental results on both PASCAL VOC and MS COCO detection datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In particular, with a VGG16 based DES, we achieve an mAP of 81.7 on VOC2007 test and an mAP of 32.8 on COCO test-dev with an inference speed of 31.5 milliseconds per image on a Titan Xp GPU. With a lower resolution version, we achieve an mAP of 79.7 on VOC2007 with an inference speed of 13.0 milliseconds per image.
novel single shot object detection network,object detection features,typical deep detector,semantic segmentation branch,global activation module,weak segmentation ground-truth,extra annotation,object classes,self-supervised manner,comprehensive experimental results,MS COCO detection datasets,VGG16 based DES,VOC2007 test,single-shot object detection,enriched semantics,Titan Xp GPU,COCO test-dev,inference speed
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