New pets: New allergenic sources

M.San Miguel-Moncín, R. Tella,C. Río, F. Pineda,R. Alonso,E. Enrique, J. Bartra, B. Fernández-Parra, A. Cisteró-Bahima

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology(2004)

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Abstract Rationale Although furry animals are known sources of respiratory allergy, scaly animals are assumed not to be allergenic. A patient suffering from allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma to a Iguana pet is described. Methods A 42-year-old woman complained of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma symptoms occurring exclusively in her own home. She had a past history of rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma which completely disappeared after removal of a Siberian hamster a year ago. Later, she denied presence of new pets at her home. Nasal and bronchial functional tests were performed. Skin prick testing (SPT) with different aeroallergens elicited negative. After insisting on possible allergenic sources at her home, she admitted current presence of an Iguana from his son ownership . Extracts with hamster hair and epithelium and scales and urine from her Iguana were prepared. SPT and nasal challenge were performed with Iguana scales extract. SDS-PAGE- Immunoblotting experiments were carried out to study IgE-binding bands profile. Results SPT and nasal challenge with Iguana scales extract were positive (negative in ten controls). IgE antibody-binding revealed two major bands in the molecular weight range of 40–50 kDA in the Iguana scales extract. Faint bands could be spotted in the urine extract, and none in hamster hair/epithelium. After removal of Iguana from her home, patient's asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis completely disappeared. Conclusions In this study, clear IgE-sensitization and respiratory allergy to Iguana scales is demonstrated. Allergy history should include questions about any kind of pets. Allergy to scaly pets should be taken into account, because if not such allergies may go undiagnosed.
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