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大盘点:2011-2020年53名华人ACM Fellow报告,中国本土人才不断涌现

作者: 学术头条

时间: 2021-01-23 11:17

让我们来看看这53位ACM Fellow具体是谁

1月14日,国际计算机学会(Association for Computing Machinery, ACM)公布了 2020 ACM Fellow 名单,共有 95 位科学家入选,其中有 12位华人科学家。

至此,2011 年至 2020 年十年内,共有 53 名华人学者当选 ACM Fellow。(扫描文末二维码,即可获得 ACM Fellow 2011-2020全部华人学者报告!)

ACM 创立于 1947 年,是全世界计算机领域影响力最大的专业学术组织之一。ACM Fellow 是由 ACM 授予资深会员的荣誉,表扬对于计算机相关领域有杰出贡献的学者,审查过程十分严格,每年遴选一次。

根据智谱•AI「智慧人才」提供的人才数据,获得 ACM Fellow 殊荣的华人学者,在统计上呈现出以下特点:

华人人数占比整体呈增加趋势——从 2011、2012、2013、2016 年的 6.52%、5.77%、6%、3.77%,增加到了 2015、2017、2018、2019、2020 的 19.05%、14.81%、10.71%、12.07%、12.63%。

来自中国的学者人数也在不断上升——来自中国的 ACM Fellow 从 2013 年的 1 位,增加到 2020 年的 5 位。


最后,让我们来看看这 53 位 ACM Fellow 具体是谁:

Yao-Wen Chang(张耀文)

National Taiwan University(台湾大学)

For contributions to algorithmic electronic design automation


Yiran Chen(陈怡然)

Duke University(杜克大学)

For contributions to to nonvolatile memory technologies


Kui Ren(任奎)

Zhejiang University(浙江大学)

For contributions to wireless system security and cloud data security


Hengtao Shen(申恒涛)
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(电子科技大学)

For contributions to large-scale multimedia content understanding, indexing and retrieval


Yufei Tao(陶宇飞)
Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大学)

For contributions to algorithms for large scale data processing


Wei Wang

University of California, Los Angeles(加州大学洛杉矶分校)

For contributions to the foundation and practice of data mining


Cathy H. Wu(吴凯茜)

University of Delaware(特拉华大学)

For contributions to bioinformatics, computational biology, knowledge mining and semantic data integration


Zhou Kun(周昆)

Zhejiang University(浙江大学)

For contributions to computer graphics


Shuicheng Yan(颜水成)
YITU Technology(依图科技)

For contributions to visual content understanding techniques and application


Wang Yi
Uppsala University(乌普萨拉大学)

For contributions to the automated analysis and verification of real-time systems


Xuelong Li(李学龙)

Northwestern Polytechnic UniversityFor contributions to computing on and learning from higher-order data


Chenyang Lu(吕晨阳)

Washington University in St. Louis(圣路易斯华盛顿大学)

For contributions to adaptive real-time systems, real-time virtualization, and wireless cyber-physical systems



Dacheng Tao(陶大程)

The University of Sydney(悉尼大学)

For contributions to representation learning and its applications(为表征学习及其应用做出巨大贡献)

Dawn Song

University of California, Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校)

For contributions to security and privacy


Xiangyang Li(李向阳)

University of Science and Technology of China(中国科学技术大学)

For contributions to the design, analysis and optimization of IoT and mobile systems


Xilin Chen(陈熙霖)

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院计算技术研究所)

For contributions to face and sign language recognition and multimedia systems


Yuan Xie(谢源)

University of California, Santa Barbara(加州大学圣巴巴拉分校)

For contributions to the design techniques and tools for the implementation and evaluation of computer architectures


Songwu Lu(吕松武)

University of California, Los Angeles(加州大学洛杉矶分校)

For helping create a more resilient and performant cellular network


Lidong Zhou(周礼栋)
Microsoft Research Asia(微软亚洲研究院)

For contributions to trustworthy distributed computing and to systems research and education in China



Feifei Li(李飞飞)

Stanford University(斯坦福大学)

For contributions in building large knowledge bases for machine learning and visual understanding


Huan Liu(刘欢)

Arizona State University(亚利桑那州立大学)

For contributions in feature selection for data mining and knowledge discovery and in social computing


Jiebo Luo(罗杰波)

University of Rochester(罗切斯特大学)

For contributions to multimedia content analysis and social multimedia informatics


Tian He(何田)

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities(明尼苏达大学双城分校)

For contributions to wireless networks, sensing systems, and Internet of things (IoT)

(对无线网络、传感系统以及 IoT 领域做出贡献)

Lili Qiu

University of Texas at Austin


For contributions to the design and analysis of wireless network protocols and mobile systems


Lillian Lee

Cornell University(康奈尔大学)

For contributions to natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and computational social science



Shih-Fu Chang(张世富)

Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)

For contributions to large-scale multimedia content recognition and multimedia information retrieval


Qiang Yang(杨强)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(香港科技大学)

For contributions to artificial intelligence and data mining


Chengxiang Zhai(翟成祥)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)

For contributions to information retrieval and text data mining


Yong Rui(芮勇)

Lenovo Group(联想集团)

For contributions to image, video and multimedia analysis, understanding and retrieval


Yi Ma(马毅)

University of California, Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校)

For contributions to theory and application of low-dimensional models for computer vision and pattern recognition


Aidong Zhang(张爱东)

State University of New York at Buffalo(纽约州立大学布法罗分校,现在弗吉尼亚大学)

For contributions to bioinformatics and data mining


Li Erran Li

Uber Advanced Technologies Group(优步科技)

For contributions to the design and analysis of wireless networks, improving architectures, throughput, and analytics


Martin D. F. Wong

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)

For contributions to the algorithmic aspects of electronic design automation (EDA)



Xuedong Huang(黄学东)

Microsoft AI and Research(微软人工智能与研究事业部)

For contributions to spoken language processing(在人工智能语音识别方面的贡献)

Zhihua Zhou(周志华)

Nanjing University(南京大学)

For contributions to machine learning and data mining(在机器学习和数据挖掘方面的贡献)


Jian Pei

Simon Fraser University(西蒙菲莎大学)

For contributions to the foundation, methodology and applications of data mining


Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu(吕荣聪)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大学)

For contributions to the theory and practice of software reliability engineering


Bing Liu(刘兵)

University of Illinois at Chicago(伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校)

For contributions to knowledge discovery and data mining, opinion mining, and sentiment analysis


Hsinchun Chen

University of Arizona(亚利桑那大学)

For contributions to he research and development of security informatics and health informatics systems


Tei-Wei Kuo(郭大維)

Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica(台湾中央研究院资讯科技创新研究中心)

For contributions to performance and reliability enhancement of flash-memory storage systems


Wang-Chiew Tan

University of California Santa Cruz(加州大学圣克鲁兹分校)

For contributions to data provenance and to the foundations of information integration


Chih-Jen Lin

National Taiwan University(台湾大学)

For contributions to the theory and practice of machine learning and data mining


Yunhao Liu(刘云浩)

Tsinghua University(清华大学)

For contributions to sensor networks




Wen Gao(高文)

Peking University(北京大学)

For contributions to video technology, and for leadership to advance computing in China


Zhengyou Zhang(张正友)

Microsoft Research(微软研究院,现在腾讯AI Lab)

For contributions to computer vision and multimedia


Yuanyuan Zhou(周媛媛)

University of California, San Diego(加州大学圣地亚哥分校)

For contributions to software reliability and quality



Xiaodong Zhang(张晓东)

The Ohio State University(俄亥俄州立大学)

For his contributions to data and memory management in distributed systems


Lixin Gao(高立新)

University of Massachusetts(麻省大学)

For contributions to network protocols and internet routing


University of Edinburgh(爱丁堡大学)

For contributions to Web data management



Baining Guo(郭百宁)

Microsoft Research Asia(微软亚洲研究院)

For contributions to computer graphics(对计算机图形学的贡献)

Beng Chin Ooi(黄铭钧)
National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学)

For contributions to spatio-temporal and distributed data management


Ming C.Lin
University of North Carolina(北卡罗来纳大学)

For contributions to geometric modeling and computer graphics


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