Refining neural network algorithms for accurate brain tumor classification in MRI imagery

BMC Medical Imaging(2024)

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Brain tumor diagnosis using MRI scans poses significant challenges due to the complex nature of tumor appearances and variations. Traditional methods often require extensive manual intervention and are prone to human error, leading to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. Current approaches primarily include manual examination by radiologists and conventional machine learning techniques. These methods rely heavily on feature extraction and classification algorithms, which may not capture the intricate patterns present in brain MRI images. Conventional techniques often suffer from limited accuracy and generalizability, mainly due to the high variability in tumor appearance and the subjective nature of manual interpretation. Additionally, traditional machine learning models may struggle with the high-dimensional data inherent in MRI images. To address these limitations, our research introduces a deep learning-based model utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs).Our model employs a sequential CNN architecture with multiple convolutional, max-pooling, and dropout layers, followed by dense layers for classification. The proposed model demonstrates a significant improvement in diagnostic accuracy, achieving an overall accuracy of 98
Brain tumor detection,MRI images,Deep learning,Convolutional neural networks,Machine learning,Medical imaging,Image classification,Grad-CAM visualization,Dataset analysis
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