Topical desiccating agent (DEBRICHEM): an accessible debridement option for removing biofilm in hard-to-heal wounds

Priti Bhatt,Andrew Sharpe,Karen Staines, Nicola Wallace, Amy Withers

Journal of Wound Care(2024)

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It is now assumed that all hard-to-heal wounds contain biofilm. Debridement plays a key role in wound-bed preparation, as it can remove biofilm along with the devitalised tissue, potentially leaving a clean wound bed that is more likely to progress towards healing. The gold standard methods of debridement (surgical and sharp) are the least used, as they require specialist training and are often not readily available at the point of need. Most other methods can be used by generalists but are slower. They all need regular applications. The topical desiccating agent DEBRICHEM is an innovative alternative, as it is fast, effective and can be used in all clinical settings, as well as typically requiring only a single use. This article describes best practice for achieving optimal outcomes with its use.
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