Exploring dielectric properties in atomistic models of amorphous boron nitride

Thomas Galvani, Ali K Hamze, Laura Caputo,Onurcan Kaya, Simon M-M Dubois, Luigi Colombo,Viet-Hung Nguyen, Yongwoo Shin, Hyeon-Jin Shin,Jean-Christophe Charlier,Stephan Roche

JPhys Materials(2024)

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We report a theoretical study of dielectric properties of models of amorphous Boron Nitride, using interatomic potentials generated by machine learning. We first perform first-principles simulations on small (about 100 atoms in the periodic cell) sample sizes to explore the emergence of mid-gap states and its correlation with structural features. Next, by using a simplified tight-binding electronic model, we analyse the dielectric functions for complex three dimensional models (containing about 10.000 atoms) embedding varying concentrations of sp ^1 , sp ^2 and sp ^3 bonds between B and N atoms. Within the limits of these methodologies, the resulting value of the zero-frequency dielectric constant is shown to be influenced by the population density of such mid-gap states and their localization characteristics. We observe nontrivial correlations between the structure-induced electronic fluctuations and the resulting dielectric constant values. Our findings are however just a first step in the quest of accessing fully accurate dielectric properties of as-grown amorphous BN of relevance for interconnect technologies and beyond.
amorphous boron nitride,amorphous materials,dielectric properties,machine learning,mid-gap states
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