Creating 3D constructs with cranial neural crest-derived cell lines using a bio-3D printer

Masahide Taguchi, Shohei Yoshimoto, Kanako Suyama, Satoko Sumi, Shirabe Ohki,Kayoko Ogata,Ryota Fujimoto,Daiki Murata,Koichi Nakayama,Kyoko Oka

Journal of Oral Biosciences(2024)

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Objectives The development of bio-three-dimensional (bio-3D) printers has led to significant advances in regenerative medicine. Three-dimensional constructs, including spheroids, are maintained by extracellular matrix proteins secreted by cells so that the cells can be cultured in conditions closer to the physiological environment. This study aimed to create a useful 3D construct as a model of the dentin-pulp complex Methods We examined the expression patterns of extracellular matrix proteins and cell proliferation areas in a 3D construct created using O9-1 cells derived from cranial neural crest cells of mice. The 3D construct was created by sticking the spheroid cultures onto a needle array using a bio-3D printer. Results Cell proliferation areas along with characteristic expression of tenascin C and DMP1 were evaluated. The expression of tenascin C and DMP1 was significantly enhanced in the spheroids compared to that in two-dimensional cultures. Moreover, cell proliferation regions and tenascin C expression were confirmed in the outer layer of spheroids in the embryonic stem cell medium, with insignificant DMP1 expression being observed. Interestingly, in a 3D construct cultured in calcification-induction medium, DMP1 expression was promoted, and DMP1-positive cells existed in the outermost layer without overlapping with tenascin C expression. Conclusions The extracellular matrix proteins, tenascin C and DMP1, were expressed in a polarized manner in spheroids and 3D constructs, similar to the findings in the dental papilla. Therefore, these 3D constructs show potential as artificial models for studying odontogenesis.
3D constructs,spheroid,bio-3D printer,tenascin C
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