Mutual inhibition of Aspergillus flavus and Auricularia auricula mycelium for the prevention of competing diseases during growth of fungi

Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials(2024)

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Auricularia auricula is one of the main edible fungi widely cultivated in China. Aspergillus flavus is the most common class of pathogenic bacteria fungi that produces the high toxicity of the aflatoxins, which is one of the fungal diseases of A. auricula. Morphological observation of A. flavus mycelium and A. auricula mycelium in plate confrontation, mutual inhibition of growth at different germination times, and the interaction of A. flavus liquid culture solution and A. flavus volatiles with A. auricula mycelium were used to investigate the mechanism of the interaction between A. flavus and A. auricula mycelium. Mycelium of A. auricula and A. flavus had a mutual inhibitory effect, but A. auricula mycelia had a stronger inhibitory effect on the growth of A. flavus mycelia. The results of the interaction between A. flavus volatiles and A. auricula volatiles were also the same and the inhibition of A. flavus by volatiles from A. auricula mycelium about 11
Aspergillus flavus,Auricularia auricula,Mutual inhibition,Aflatoxins migration
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