Lifetime prevalence, risk, and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders in Qatar's national mental health study.

International journal of methods in psychiatric research(2024)

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OBJECTIVES:To estimate lifetime prevalence, risk, and treatment for mental disorders and their correlates in Qatar's general population for the first time. METHODS:We conducted a national phone survey of 5,195 Qatari and Arab residents in Qatar (2019-2022) using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Version 3.3 and estimated lifetime mood and anxiety defined diagnoses. Survival-based discrete time models, lifetime morbid risk, and treatment projections were estimated. RESULTS:Lifetime prevalence of any disorder was 28.0% and was associated with younger cohorts, females, and migrants, but lower formal education. Treatment contact in the year of disorder onset were 13.5%. The median delay in receiving treatment was 5 years (IQR = 2-13). Lifetime treatment among those with a lifetime disorder were 59.9% for non-healthcare and 63.5% for healthcare; it was 68.1% for any anxiety and 80.1% for any mood disorder after 50 years of onset. Younger cohorts and later age of onset were significantly predictors of treatment. CONCLUSIONS:Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in Qatar is comparable to other countries. Treatment is significantly delayed and delivered largely in non-healthcare sectors thus the need for increased literacy of mental illness to reduce stigma and improve earlier help-seeking in healthcare settings.
5th edition (DSM‐5),diagnostic and statistical manual,lifetime prevalence,lifetime treatment,mental disorder,Qatar
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