Voxel level dense prediction of acute stroke territory in DWI using deep learning segmentation models and image enhancement strategies

Ilker Ozgur Koska,M. Alper Selver, Fazil Gelal,Muhsin Engin Uluc, Yusuf Kenan Çetinoğlu, Nursel Yurttutan, Mehmet Serindere,Oğuz Dicle

Japanese Journal of Radiology(2024)

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To build a stroke territory classifier model in DWI by designing the problem as a multiclass segmentation task by defining each stroke territory as distinct segmentation targets and leveraging the guidance of voxel wise dense predictions. Retrospective analysis of DWI images of 218 consecutive acute anterior or posterior ischemic stroke patients examined between January 2017 to April 2020 in a single center was carried out. Each stroke area was defined as distinct segmentation target with different class labels. U-Net based network was trained followed by majority voting of the voxel wise predictions of the model to transform them into patient level stroke territory classes. Effects of bias field correction and registration to a common space were explored. Of the 218 patients included in this study, 141 (65
Stroke territory,Diffusion weighted imaging,Deep learning,Voxel wise prediction,Bias field correction
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