A meta inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency test of general relativity with gravitational wave signals from compact binaries

Sakshi Satish Madekar, Nathan K Johnson-McDaniel,Anuradha Gupta,Abhirup Ghosh


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The observation of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences is a promising tool to test the validity of general relativity (GR) in a highly dynamical strong-field regime. There are now a variety of tests of GR performed on the observed compact binary signals. In this paper, we propose a new test of GR that compares the results of these individual tests. This meta inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency test (IMRCT) involves inferring the final mass and spin of the remnant black hole obtained from the analyses of two different tests of GR and checking for consistency. If there is a deviation from GR, we expect that different tests of GR will recover different values for the final mass and spin, in general. We check the performance of the meta IMRCT using a standard set of null tests used in various gravitational-wave analyses: the original IMRCT, parameterized phasing tests (TIGER and FTI) and the modified dispersion test. However, the meta IMRCT is applicable to any tests of GR that infer the initial masses and spins or the final mass and spin, including ones that are applied to binary neutron star or neutron star–black hole signals. We apply the meta IMRCT to simulated quasi-circular GR and non-GR binary black hole (BBH) signals as well as to eccentric BBH signals in GR (analyzed with quasicircular waveforms). We find that the meta IMRCT gives consistency with GR for the quasi-circular GR signals and picks up a deviation from GR in the other cases, as do other tests. In some cases, the meta IMRCT finds a significant GR deviation for a given pair of tests (and specific testing parameters) while the individual tests do not, showing that it is more sensitive than the individual tests to certain types of deviations. In addition, we also apply this test to a few selected real compact binary signals and find them consistent with GR.
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