Co-doped modified LiLuF4:Eu microcrystalline scintillator-based flexible film for high resolution X-ray imaging


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X-ray detectors based on scintillators are widely used in the fields of medical imaging, high-energy physics, geological exploration, and industrial detection. The development of scintillation materials with different characteristics has become the focus of considerable research interest. Herein, we report a facile hydrothermal synthesis of Gd- and Eu-codoped LiLuF4 microcrystals (MCs), which exhibit strong luminescence of Eu3+ ion characteristic emission, characterized by distinct red fluorescence emission. The research shows that Gd3+ co-doping effectively improved the sensitivity and light yield of LiLuF4:Eu MCs by regulating the proportion of co-doping ions. In addition, the detection limit is 140.72 nGy s(-1) for LiLuF4:Eu,Gd MCs, approximately 39 times lower than the dose requirement of medical diagnosis. Based on LiLuF4:Eu,Gd MCs with the superior scintillation properties, a MC-composited film with 250 mu m thickness was prepared by a direct coating method. The uniform and high-loading scintillation film exhibits outstanding imaging performance with a high spatial resolution of 14.8 LP mm(-1), which confirms the application potential of X-ray imaging.
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