Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals the cellular and molecular heterogeneity of treatment-na?ve primary osteosarcoma in dogs


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Osteosarcoma (OS) is a heterogeneous, aggressive malignancy of the bone that disproportionally affects children and adolescents. Therapeutic interventions for OS are limited, which is in part due to the complex tumor microenvironment (TME). As such, we used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to describe the cellular and molecular composition of the TME in 6 treatment-na & iuml;ve dogs with spontaneously occurring primary OS. Through analysis of 35,310 cells, we identified 41 transcriptomically distinct cell types including the characterization of follicular helper T cells, mature regulatory dendritic cells (mregDCs), and 8 tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) populations. Cell-cell interaction analysis predicted that mregDCs and TAMs play key roles in modulating T cell mediated immunity. Furthermore, we completed cross-species cell type gene signature homology analysis and found a high degree of similarity between human and canine OS. The data presented here act as a roadmap of canine OS which can be applied to advance translational immuno-oncology research. A single-cell RNA sequencing reference of six treatment na & iuml;ve canine osteosarcoma samples. The data presented in this study reveals the presence of 41 cell types and suggests a conserved tumor microenvironment between canine and human osteosarcoma.
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