Fast Online Movement Optimization of Aerial Base Stations Based on Global Connectivity Map

Yiling Wang,Jiangbin Lyu,Liqun Fu


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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can serve as aerial base stations (ABSs) to provide wireless connectivity for ground users (GUs) in diverse scenarios. However, it is an NP-hard problem with exponential complexity in M and N, in order to maximize the coverage rate (CR) of M GUs by jointly placing N ABSs with limited coverage range. This problem becomes even more intricate when the coverage range becomes irregular due to site-specific obstructions (e.g., buildings) on the air-ground channel, and/or when the GUs are in motion. To address the above challenges, we study a multi-ABS movement optimization problem to maximize the average coverage rate of mobile GUs within a site-specific environment. We tackle this challenging problem by 1) constructing the global connectivity map (GCM) which contains the connectivity information between given pairs of ABS/GU locations; 2) partitioning the ABS movement problem into ABS placement sub-problems and formulate each sub-problem into a binary integer linear programing (BILP) problem based on GCM; 3) proposing a fast online algorithm to execute (one-pass) projected stochastic subgradient descent within the dual space to rapidly solve the BILP problem with near-optimal performance. Numerical results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm achieves a high CR performance close to that obtained by the open source solver (SCIP), yet with significantly reduced running time. In addition, the algorithm also notably outperforms one of the state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods and the K-means initiated evolutionary algorithm in terms of CR performance and/or time efficiency.
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