Revitalizing classical Ayurveda practice in urban India—Contribution of Vaidya V. R. Padmanabha Rao

Vibhuti Rao, Ahalya Sharma

Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences(2024)

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Abstract The renaissance of Ayurveda in contemporary times owes much to the remarkable contributions of exemplary practitioners. This paper explores the journey of Dr. V. R. Padmanabha Rao (1953–2020), an Ayurveda clinician who not only demonstrated excellence in clinical practice but also spearheaded the creation of “Agnivesha Ayurveda Anushthana,” an exclusive organization devoted to the education and training of Ayurveda doctors. Dr. Rao played a pivotal role in influencing and guiding numerous Ayurveda graduates to transition from allopathy to Ayurvedic clinical practice. His therapeutic knowledge was disseminated in a number of national and international forums, especially with regard to his successful treatment of male infertility. Central to his teachings was the concept of “How to be a successful Ayurveda clinician,” anchored in the three pillars of dual diagnosis (integrated Ayurveda and modern methods), the utilization of self-prepared classical medicines (single-herb therapy), and the cultivation of excellent clinical and administrative skills including documentation of clinical cases.
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