Recognition of Cyber Physical Systems Through Network Security for Wireless Sensor Networks

S. Selvakanmani,Seeniappan Kaliappan, M. Muthukannan, Mohammed

Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering Intelligent Solutions for Sustainable Power Grids(2024)

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This chapter presents a novel approach for recognizing and securing cyber-physical systems (CPS) through the use of artificial intelligence in wireless sensor networks. The increasing use of CPS in various fields has led to a growing need for effective methods of identifying and securing these systems. The proposed approach utilizes artificial intelligence techniques to analyse network traffic and identify patterns that indicate the presence of a CPS. Additionally, the proposed approach uses this information to secure the CPS by implementing appropriate security measures to protect against cyber-attacks. This study highlights the importance of recognizing and securing CPS in wireless sensor networks, and the potential of artificial intelligence to meet this need. It also emphasizes the importance of developing secure and resilient systems in the face of cyber-threats and the need for a holistic security approach for CPS.
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