Privacy-Preserving Aggregation for Decentralized Learning with Byzantine-Robustness


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Decentralized machine learning (DL) has been receiving an increasing interest recently due to the elimination of a single point of failure, present in Federated learning setting. Yet, it is threatened by the looming threat of Byzantine clients who intentionally disrupt the learning process by broadcasting arbitrary model updates to other clients, seeking to degrade the performance of the global model. In response, robust aggregation schemes have emerged as promising solutions to defend against such Byzantine clients, thereby enhancing the robustness of Decentralized Learning. Defenses against Byzantine adversaries, however, typically require access to the updates of other clients, a counterproductive privacy trade-off that in turn increases the risk of inference attacks on those same model updates. In this paper, we introduce SecureDL, a novel DL protocol designed to enhance the security and privacy of DL against Byzantine threats. SecureDL facilitates a collaborative defense, while protecting the privacy of clients' model updates through secure multiparty computation. The protocol employs efficient computation of cosine similarity and normalization of updates to robustly detect and exclude model updates detrimental to model convergence. By using MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets, we evaluated SecureDL against various Byzantine attacks and compared its effectiveness with four existing defense mechanisms. Our experiments show that SecureDL is effective even in the case of attacks by the malicious majority (e.g., 80 preserving high training accuracy.
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