FIGURE 5 from Modeling Myeloma Dissemination <i>In Vitro</i> with hMSC-interacting Subpopulations of INA-6 Cells and Their Aggregation/Detachment Dynamics


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Functional analysis of MSC-interacting subpopulations (AC): Functional enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes (from RNA-seq) using Metascape. A, Gene ontology (GO) cluster analysis of gene lists that are unique for MA (left) or nMA (right) INA-6. Circle nodes represent subsets of input genes falling into similar GO term. Node size grows with the number of input genes. Node color defines a shared parent GO term. Two nodes with a similarity score > 0.3 are linked. B, Enrichment analysis of pairwise comparisons between MA subpopulations and their overlaps (arranged in columns). GO terms were manually picked and categorized (arranged in rows). Raw Metascape results are shown in Supplementary Fig. S6. For each GO term, the P values (x axis) and the counts of matching input genes (circle size) were plotted. The lowest row shows enrichment of gene lists from the TRRUST database. C, Circos plots by Metascape. Sections of a circle represent lists of differentially expressed genes. Purple lines connect same genes appearing in two gene lists. ∩: Overlapping groups, MA: MSC-adhering, nMA: non–MSC-adhering, CM: MSC-conditioned medium. D, INA-6 were cocultured on confluent hMSC for 24 or 48 hours, separated by WPSC and subcultured for 48 hours under IL6 withdrawal (n = 6), except the control (IL6 + INA-6; n = 3). Signals were normalized (red line) to INA-6 cells grown without hMSCs and IL6 (n = 3). Statistics (D): Paired t test, two-factor RM-ANOVA. Datapoints represent the mean of four technical replicates. INA-6 were isolated from independent cocultures with hMSCs from 6 unique donors.

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