Liquid – Solid Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Heterogeneous Reactor Made of Separated Horizontal Woven Screens Impinged by a Submerged Jet

S.M. Fouad, Y.M.S. El-Shazly, H.A. Farag,G.H. Sedahmed

Chemical Engineering Research and Design(2024)

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The mass transfer characteristics of a submerged liquid jet impinging on a stack of separated screens were investigated by the electrochemical limiting current technique. The effects of changing the jet velocity, the nozzle diameter, and the screens’ porosity were studied. The present mass transfer data were found to be much higher than the data obtained by previous studies on jet impinging on flat surfaces. The mass transfer data also revealed that using the impinging jet greatly enhanced the mass transfer at screen surfaces with respect to other conventional forced convection methods used in previous studies. The mass transfer data were correlated by the equation: ShR=0.253Sc0.33ReN0.66ε0.745 for the conditions: Sc=1898, 8071 ≤ ReN≤ 33631, 0.668≤ε≤ 0.809. The importance of the above equation in the scale up and design of electrochemical and catalytic reactors suitable for diffusion-controlled reactions was highlighted. The calculated high energy utilization efficiency (kA/e) of the reactor lends support to its use in practice in preference to reactors made of flat surfaces impinged by a submerged jet. By supporting catalyst on the screens, the reactor also can replace stirred slurry reactors usually used in conducting biochemical and photochemical reactions in order to eliminate the time consuming and the costly step of separating the final product from the catalyst particles.
Mass transfer,Woven screens,Submerged impingement jet,Electrochemical reactor,Catalytic reactor,Energy utilization efficiency
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