First evaluation of microplastics in juveniles of the invasive blue crab Callinectes sapidus from a Mediterranean coastal lagoon

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science(2024)

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Microplastic pollution has affected every region of the marine environment and every level of the food chain. The potential health risks associated with the consumption of seafood products affect the worldwide seafood industry. Crustaceans are the fastest-growing fisheries industry. However, due to their predatory feeding behavior and benthic habitats, crabs are at higher risk of consuming MPs than other marine organisms. This is especially true for blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) who spent most of their lives in coastal environments (such as lagoons and estuaries), which are among the most burdened environments by microplastic pollution. This study evaluated the occurrence of MPs within juvenile blue crabs from Antinioti lagoon, Greece. The findings showed an average abundance of 0.28 MPs/Ind with MPs being identified as nylon and polyethylene (PE), by Raman microscopy. Hence, blue crabs are affected by microplastic pollution from the early stages of their lives.
Mediterranean Sea,Microplastic pollution,Coastal lagoon,Blue crab juveniles,Raman microscopy
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