Abstract 4938: Agtrl-1/Apelin Binding Specifically Enhances Myocardial Ischemia Driven Neovascularization and Left Ventricular Function by Attracting EPCs


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The molecular mechanisms that govern the formation of new blood vessels following ischemia remain largely unknown. In order to identify new genes involved in blood vessel formation, we performed a genome-wide microarray screen using the affymetrix platform in mice and zebrafish. Gene expression profiles of isolated Flk1+ angioblasts during murine and piscine embryonic development were compared to those of Flk1− cells. Angiotensin receptor 2 like 1 (Agtrl-1) is one of the genes that was identified. In adult C57bl/6 mice Agtrl-1 is highly expressed in mature endothelial cells and was also detected in cKit+/Flk1+/Lin- cells, but not in Sca+/Flk1+/Lin- cells. Remarkably, the number of cKit+/Flk1+/Agtrl-1 cells was increased in the ischemic area after myocardial ischemia (P<0.001), but not after hind limb ischemia. Apelin protein expression, the endogenous ligand of Agtrl-1, was also augmented by 3-fold in the infarct region of the myocardium (P<0.01) and systemic infusion of Apelin increased the recruitment cKit+/Flk1+ EPCs to the circulation by two-fold (P<0.03). Injection of Apelin into the ischemic myocardium resulted in increased homing to the injection site of this specific population and a two-fold increase in neovascularization of the ischemic tissue (P<0.01), consequently improving cardiac function, left ventricular dimensions and diminished scar formation. These findings indicate for the first time, that apelin in response to myocardial ischemia could function as a specific chemoattractant for Agtrl-1+ EPCs, stimulating migration into the infarcted area and subsequently promoting neovascularisation and myocardial repair.
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