Sublinear Time Low-Rank Approximation of Toeplitz Matrices

ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(2024)

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We present a sublinear time algorithm for computing a near optimal low-rank approximation to any positive semidefinite (PSD) Toeplitz matrix T∈ℝ^d× d, given noisy access to its entries. In particular, given entrywise query access to T+E for an arbitrary noise matrix E∈ℝ^d× d, integer rank k≤ d, and error parameter δ>0, our algorithm runs in time poly(k,log(d/δ)) and outputs (in factored form) a Toeplitz matrix T∈ℝ^d × d with rank poly(k,log(d/δ)) satisfying, for some fixed constant C, T-T_F ≤ C ·max{E_F,T-T_k_F} + δ·T_F. Here ·_F is the Frobenius norm and T_k is the best (not necessarily Toeplitz) rank-k approximation to T in the Frobenius norm, given by projecting T onto its top k eigenvectors. Our result has the following applications. When E = 0, we obtain the first sublinear time near-relative-error low-rank approximation algorithm for PSD Toeplitz matrices, resolving the main open problem of Kapralov et al. SODA `23, whose algorithm had sublinear query complexity but exponential runtime. Our algorithm can also be applied to approximate the unknown Toeplitz covariance matrix of a multivariate Gaussian distribution, given sample access to this distribution, resolving an open question of Eldar et al. SODA `20. Our algorithm applies sparse Fourier transform techniques to recover a low-rank Toeplitz matrix using its Fourier structure. Our key technical contribution is the first polynomial time algorithm for discrete time off-grid sparse Fourier recovery, which may be of independent interest.
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