0997 Preliminary Analyses of Sleep and Psychotic-like Experiences in a Clinical High-Risk Sample

Brennan Kelly, Sarah Akhras, Stephanie Orellana, Morgan Lott, Sophia Koesterer, Nandita Banik,Amanda McCleery,Bengi Baran


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Abstract Introduction While sleep disturbances are common in individuals with psychotic disorders, and are shown to exacerbate symptoms and cognitive deficits, less is known about sleep in youth at heightened clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis. The goals of the present study were to identify CHR individuals using well-established clinical criteria, quantify sleep using wearable technology, and investigate the relations between objective measures of sleep with endorsed psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) and associated distress. Methods Participants were recruited from the Psychosis-risk Intervention, Education, and Research (PIER) Program. While data collection is ongoing for this longitudinal study, current analyses were based on 9 participants (67% female, 11% male, 22% non-binary, ages 13-33). Self-reports on the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief were used to quantify PLEs and associated distress. Sleep was measured at home with an EEG headband (Sleep Profiler) and scored according to standard AASM criteria. Results Preliminary analyses reveal great variability in sleep efficiency (56-97%) and Wake After Sleep Onset (5-101 min). Contrary to our predictions, we observed no significant relations between sleep duration, efficiency, or architecture and PLEs (all p’s >.5). Conclusion In this group of help-seeking individuals we did not observe significant relations between sleep indices and self-reported PLEs. The current study has several limitations such as a small sample size and clinical heterogeneity, and relied on self-reported measures of PLEs completed by participants online. With data collection still under way, future plans include obtaining objective clinical phenotypes (e.g., utilizing the Structured Interview of Psychosis-risk Syndromes to categorize clinical high risk status) and investigating how sleep and PLEs change over time. Support (if any)
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