Exploring non-COVID-19 excess deaths at home/non-institution in Scotland between 2020-2022


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This research examined the extent of non-COVID-19 excess deaths over a 140-week period using publicly available Scottish data. This study aimed to identify whether: (1) there was a demonstrable increase in non-COVID-19 excess deaths in all and specific locations (e.g., institution and non-institution locations); (2) there were movements of non-COVID-19 excess deaths between locations throughout the course of the pandemic; (3) causes of non-COVID-19 excess deaths differed between at home/non-institution locations and all locations; and (4) to consider how rates of excess deaths changed over time. Non-COVID-19 excess deaths increased over the time-period sampled, accounting for 27.7% of all excess deaths. Non-COVID-19 excess deaths at home/non-institution were dominant comparable to COVID-19 deaths in the same location, and a shift in location of deaths was observed during the time-period. Non-COVID-19 excess deaths were greater in home/non-institutions compared to institutional locations for all causes, with this difference being greatest for excess cancer deaths. The data show that as time progressed, COVID-19 deaths appear to be decreasing whilst non-COVID-19 excess deaths increase. We recommend that greater connectivity of end-of-life and palliative care services and the resourcing of health and social care within the community is needed to best support the population ‘post-pandemic’.
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