Planning Software Release and Testing Stop Time under Budgetary and Reliability Constraints

Veenu Singh,Vijay Kumar, V. B. Singh

2024 11th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)(2024)

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To thrive in the competitive market, organizations are opting to release their products early, followed by an ongoing testing process to eliminate any remaining bugs through the delivery of patches. Software patches refer to small programs introduced to the users to rectify faults, introduce new features, or enhance existing functionality. After going through the literature, it is observed that researchers have worked on testing-effort based SRGM, but none have addressed the aspect of reliability and cost in the context of determining the optimal time for software release and optimal time to stop software testing while patching is considered. To bridge this gap, we have introduced a testing effort based SRGM implementing patching, with the objective of making the software cost-effective and reliable. The numerical illustration has been done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. and Genetic Algorithm (GA).
Generalized Modified Weibull (GMW),Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS),Genetic Algorithm (GA),Software Reliability Growth Model (SRGM),Testing Cost,Reliability
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