Long-lived oscillations of false and true vacuum states in neutral atom systems


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Metastable false vacuum states arise in a range of quantum systems and can be observed in various dynamical scenarios, including decay, bubble nucleation, and long-lived oscillations. False vacuum phenomenology has been examined in quantum many-body systems, notably in 1D ferromagnetic Ising spin systems and superfluids. In this paper, we study long-lived oscillations of false and true vacuum states in 1D antiferromagnetic neutral atom chains with long-range Rydberg interactions. We use a staggered local detuning field to achieve confinement. Using theoretical and numerical models, we identify novel spectral signatures of quasiparticle oscillations distinct to antiferromagnetic neutral atom systems and interpret them using a classical energy model of deconfinement from Rydberg tails. Finally, we evaluate the experimental accessibility of our proposed setup on current neutral-atom platforms and discuss experimental feasibility and constraints.
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