DeepLocalization: Using change point detection for Temporal Action Localization


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In this study, we introduce DeepLocalization, an innovative framework devised for the real-time localization of actions tailored explicitly for monitoring driver behavior. Utilizing the power of advanced deep learning methodologies, our objective is to tackle the critical issue of distracted driving-a significant factor contributing to road accidents. Our strategy employs a dual approach: leveraging Graph-Based Change-Point Detection for pinpointing actions in time alongside a Video Large Language Model (Video-LLM) for precisely categorizing activities. Through careful prompt engineering, we customize the Video-LLM to adeptly handle driving activities' nuances, ensuring its classification efficacy even with sparse data. Engineered to be lightweight, our framework is optimized for consumer-grade GPUs, making it vastly applicable in practical scenarios. We subjected our method to rigorous testing on the SynDD2 dataset, a complex benchmark for distracted driving behaviors, where it demonstrated commendable performance-achieving 57.5 classification and 51 substantial promise of DeepLocalization in accurately identifying diverse driver behaviors and their temporal occurrences, all within the bounds of limited computational resources.
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