Discriminative Dimension Selection for Enhancing the Interpretability and Performance of Clustering Output

2024 16th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)(2024)

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Discriminative Dimension Selection (DDS) has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying the most relevant features in high-dimensional datasets, enabling interpretable data analysis and visualization. This paper explores the application of DDS which utilizes overlapping clusters and dimensions to enhance the interpretability and performance of the K-means clustering algorithm. Our approach leverages the post-processing capabilities of K-means to selectively retain informative features and discard redundant or irrelevant ones. This refined feature set not only preserves the clustering performance of K-means but also enhances its interpretability and visualization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using a variety of datasets and compare its performance against traditional K-means and the proposed method Overlap-resolved Clustering (ORC). We also test with multiple cluster validity indices such as the Silhouette Coefficient Score (SS), Davies-Bouldin Index (DB), and Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH). Our results consistently show that ORC produces better clustering results and enhances the interpretability of the datasets. This study highlights the potential of DDS as a valuable tool for improving the interpretability and visualization of high-dimensional data analysis using K-means clustering.
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