Physics of nova outbursts: Theoretical models of classical nova outbursts with optically thick winds on 1.2 M_⊙ and 1.3 M_⊙ white dwarfs


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We present time-dependent nova outburst models with optically thick winds for a 1.2 and 1.35 M_⊙ white dwarfs (WDs) with a mass accretion rate of 5 × 10^-9 M_⊙ yr^-1 and for a 1.3 M_⊙ WD with 2 × 10^-9 M_⊙ yr^-1. The X-ray flash occurs 11 days before the optical peak of the 1.2 M_⊙ WD and 2.5 days before the peak of the 1.3 M_⊙ WD. The wind mass loss rate of the 1.2 M_⊙ WD (1.3 M_⊙ WD) reaches a peak of 6.4 × 10^-5 M_⊙ yr^-1 (7.4 × 10^-5 M_⊙ yr^-1) at the epoch of the maximum photospheric expansion with the lowest photospheric temperature of log T_ ph (K)=4.33 (4.35). The nuclear energy generated during the outburst is lost in a form of radiation (61 the 1.2 M_⊙ WD; 47 ejecta (39 empirical relation for fast novae between the time to optical maximum from the outburst t_ peak and the expansion timescale τ_ exp at t=0. With this relation, we are able to predict the time to optical maximum t_ peak from the ignition model (at t=0) without following a time-consuming nova wind evolution.
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