A Dataset for Large Language Model-Driven AI Accelerator Generation

Mahmoud Nazzal, Deepak Vungarala,Mehrdad Morsali,Chao Zhang, Arnob Ghosh, Abdallah Khreishah,Shaahin Angizi


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In the ever-evolving landscape of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) hardware acceleration, unlocking the true potential of systolic array accelerators has long been hindered by the daunting challenges of expertise and time investment. Large Language Models (LLMs) offer a promising solution for automating code generation which is key to unlocking unprecedented efficiency and performance in various domains, including hardware descriptive code. However, the successful application of LLMs to hardware accelerator design is contingent upon the availability of specialized datasets tailored for this purpose. To bridge this gap, we introduce the Systolic Array-based Accelerator DataSet (SA-DS). SA-DS comprises of a diverse collection of spatial arrays following the standardized Berkeley's Gemmini accelerator generator template, enabling design reuse, adaptation, and customization. SA-DS is intended to spark LLM-centred research on DNN hardware accelerator architecture. We envision that SA-DS provides a framework which will shape the course of DNN hardware acceleration research for generations to come. SA-DS is open-sourced under the permissive MIT license at this https://github.com/ACADLab/SA-DS.
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