The Utilization of AI Extends Beyond Payment Systems to E-Commerce Store Development

Sushant Mimani, Rakesh Ramakrishnan, Piyush Rohella,Nasmin Jiwani, J. Logeshwaran

2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT)(2024)

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In the age of advancing technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a fundamental force in almost every industry, including electronic commerce (e-commerce). AI can be used to power e-commerce store development in multiple ways, such as enhancing customer experience, improving search, optimizing product recommendations and inventory management, and improving payment systems. Through algorithms and machine learning, AI allows e-commerce storeowners to create and deploy intelligent bots, with predetermined parameters, to chat with customers, answer queries and suggest products or services. AI also enables customers to access automated search functions, product recommendations based on their previous purchases, and automated customer experiences. Improved payment systems can also be facilitated by AI to streamline transactions, reduce security risks, and enhance user experience. All of these features allow e-commerce stores to remain competitive in today's market. Ultimately, AI empowers e-commerce stores to stand out and drive sales.
Artificial Intelligence,Payment Systems,Commerce,Store Development,Utilization
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