Mitochondrial dysfunction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with lung carcinogenesis

International Immunopharmacology(2024)

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The composition, quantity, and function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are closely correlated with tumorigenesis. However, the mechanisms of PBMCs in lung cancer are not clear. Mitochondria are energy factories of cells, and almost all cellular functions rely on their energy metabolism level. The present study aimed to test whether the mitochondrial function of PBMCs directly determines their tumor immune monitoring function. We recruited 211 subjects, including 105 healthy controls and 106 patients with recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The model of lung carcinogenesis induced by BaP was used in animal experiment, and the Bap carcinogenic metabolite, Benzo(a)pyren-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE), was used in cell experiment. We found that mitochondrial function of PBMCs decreased significantly in patients with new lung cancer, regardless of age. In vivo, BaP caused PBMC mitochondrial dysfunction in mice before the appearance of visible malignant tissue. Moreover, mitochondrial function decreased significantly in mice with lung cancers induced by BaP compared to those without lung cancer after BaP intervention. In vitro, BPDE also induced mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced the aggressiveness of PBMCs toward cancer cells. Furthermore, the changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism gene expression caused by BPDE are involved in this process. Thus, the mitochondrial function of PBMCs is a potential prognostic biomarker or therapeutic target to improve clinical outcomes in patients with lung cancer.
Lung cancer,Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP),PBMCs,Mitochondrial dysfunction
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