Mitigating resource curse impact through implementing circular economy effective strategies

Resources Policy(2024)

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The main goal of the study is to investigate and to evaluate the selected indicators of the circular economy with a relation to the international trade in order to create the effective tools and policies in the circular economy system. This is supported by the three research questions comprising the issues of the circular economy regarding the import and the export of the resources. Firstly, the intra-union and extra-union import of the materials and their impact along with the resource curse effects. The relations between the both import types and the circular material use rate are confirmed through a majority of the appropriate research hypotheses. Secondly, the resource curse negative impacts caused by the import and the export of the circular economy materials. The international trade brings the resources movements that would be not possible without it. Almost all the assigned research hypotheses confirm that the mentioned impacts are mitigated by these movements. Thirdly, the influence of the import and the export of the materials on the circular material use rate regarding the waste sort recycling rates. An influence of the international trade is occurred in the recovery rate that represents an outcome of recycling rate. Each research hypothesis is assigned to the particular explored indicator. Altogether, there are the 21 indicators examined in the regression analysis. Many relations regarding the statistical significance of the regressor are found. The testing phase follows after the regression model outcome. The discussion section demonstrates the implications arising from the analytical outcomes with a potential of altering the current policies in the circular economy system and the creation of the new ones in order to more efficiently use the available resources. The study outcome represents a valuable platform for potential construction of the effective policies and strategies necessary for implementing transition of the economies within the circular economy framework.
Resources curse,Circular economy,Circular material use rate,Recycling rate,Packaging waste,Regression analysis,European union
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