Shock wave generation and propagation in dissipative and nonlocal nonlinear Rydberg media


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We investigate the generation of optical shock waves in strongly interacting Rydberg atomic gases with a spatially homogeneous dissipative potential. The Rydberg atom interaction induces an optical nonlocal nonlinarity. We focus on local nonlinear (R_b≪ R_0) and nonlocal nonlinear (R_b∼ R_0) regimes, where R_b and R_0 are the characteristic length of the Rydberg nonlinearity and beam width, respectively. In the local regime, we show spatial width and contrast of the shock wave change monotonically when increasing strength of the dissipative potential and optical intensity. In the nonlocal regime, the characteristic quantity of the shock wave depend on R_b/R_0 and dissipative potential nontrivially and on the intensity monotonically. We find that formation of shock waves dominantly takes place when R_b is smaller than R_0, while the propagation dynamics is largely linear when R_b is comparable to or larger than R_0. Our results reveal nontrivial roles played by dissipation and nonlocality in the generation of shock waves, and provide a route to manipulate their profiles and stability. Our study furthermore opens new avenues to explore non-Hermitian physics, and nonlinear wave generation and propagation by controlling dissipation and nonlocality in the Rydberg media.
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