ACP-DRL: an anticancer peptides recognition method based on deep representation learning.

Xiaofang Xu, Chaoran Li, Xinpu Yuan, Qiangjian Zhang, Yi Liu,Yunping Zhu, Tao Chen

Frontiers in genetics(2024)

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Cancer, a significant global public health issue, resulted in about 10 million deaths in 2022. Anticancer peptides (ACPs), as a category of bioactive peptides, have emerged as a focal point in clinical cancer research due to their potential to inhibit tumor cell proliferation with minimal side effects. However, the recognition of ACPs through wet-lab experiments still faces challenges of low efficiency and high cost. Our work proposes a recognition method for ACPs named ACP-DRL based on deep representation learning, to address the challenges associated with the recognition of ACPs in wet-lab experiments. ACP-DRL marks initial exploration of integrating protein language models into ACPs recognition, employing in-domain further pre-training to enhance the development of deep representation learning. Simultaneously, it employs bidirectional long short-term memory networks to extract amino acid features from sequences. Consequently, ACP-DRL eliminates constraints on sequence length and the dependence on manual features, showcasing remarkable competitiveness in comparison with existing methods.
anticancer peptides,deep representation learning,BERT,self-supervised,pre-training,language models
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