Efficiency of Gastric Decontamination and Activated Charcoal in Beta Blocker (Metoprolol) Poisoning; A Case Report

Gülşen Öztürk Örmeci, Hüseyin Evren Öztürkoğlu,Oktay Eray, Filiz Özyiğit

Hippocrates Medical Journal(2024)

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Beta blockers are negative inotrop and cronotrop in miyocardial activity. They are prescribed widely for multipl clinical conditions. Beta blocker overdose may ocur in patients who used it by accidently or for suicidal purposes. These drugs can effect cardiovascular functions as well as mental conditions. Many patients with overdose have fatal clinical conditions and require intensive treatment due to the drug effect. Our case is a 33 year-old-woman, took 100 miligrams of metoprolol (2 blister of a pocket) 1 hour ago with the intention of committing suicide. She had nausea and vomiting, dizziness. Vital signs; her blood pressure was 120/70, heart rate was 85, respiratory rate and saturation were normal. Electrocardiogram was in sinus rtym and there was no change in the ST segment. She was placed under observation and closely monitored. We administered gastric decontamination to throw out the medications she took 1 hour ago. We administered her 1 liter salin and antiemetic medication to manage the nausea. After a while she had bradicardia and vomiting. We applied her a glucagon and atropin injection and she was admitted to the intensive care unit. After 2 hours, she was completely recover and had no clinical symptoms. She got monitorized for a day and was discharged from the hospital after full recovery. Since we know that the use of high doses of beta blockers is mortal and has poor clinical outcome, we think that the patient in this case underwent gastric decontamination and active charcoal early and succesfully, so she was discharged from the hospital with good clinical outcome. As a result, it is thought that gastric decontamination and also active charcoal may be useful and lifesaving in case of drug overdose in early presentations.
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