Intellectual Capital and Resilience of Family Businesses: A Qualitative Comparative Case Study of Lithuania and Latvia

2023 IEEE International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICTE)(2023)

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This study investigates the influence of intellectual capital dimensions on the resilience of family businesses (FBs), focusing on two cases from Lithuania and Latvia. A qualitative case study approach was adopted, with five interviews conducted. The findings revealed that the Lithuanian FB displayed significant levels of human and relational capital, which played a crucial role in enhancing its resilience. However, the contribution of structural capital to its resilience was ambiguous. In contrast, the Latvian FB showed improvements in resilience, profitability, and cost reduction due to its enhanced levels of human, relational, and structural capital. The findings highlight the importance of managing intellectual capital resources effectively in FBs as these can contribute to their resilience and profitability. The present study contributes novel insights on intellectual capital in firms by exploring the intellectual capital-based view in the context of FBs, an area that has attracted limited attention in the existing literature.
Intellectual capital,resilience,family business,small economies
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