Pulmonary function testing dataset of pressure and flow, dynamic circumference, heart rate, and aeration monitoring

Data in Brief(2024)

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Respiratory data was collected from 20 subjects, with an even sex distribution, in the low-risk clinical unit at the University of Canterbury. Ethical consent for this trial was granted by the University of Canterbury Human Research Ethics Committee (Ref: HREC 2023/30/LR-PS). Respiratory data were collected, for each subject, over three tests consisting of: 1) increasing set PEEP from a starting point of ZEEP using a CPAP machine; 2) test 1 repeated with two simulated apnoea's (breath holds) at each set PEEP; and 3) three forced expiratory manoeuvres at ZEEP. Data were collected using a custom pressure and flow sensor device, ECG, PPG, Garmin HRM Dual heartrate belt, and a Dräeger PulmoVista 500 Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) machine. Subject demographic data was also collected prior to the trial, in a questionnaire, with measurement equipment available. These data aim to inform the development of pulmonary mechanics models and titration algorithms.
Pulmonary Mechanics,Venturi,Spirometry,Electrical Impedance Tomography,Vapers,Smokers,Asthmatics
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