Secure Computing: NGSCB’s Journey and Windows Security Impact

Kamred Udham Singh, Surendra Kumar, Umang Deep Mishra, Sudha Tiwari,Teekam Singh, Vikash

2024 International Conference on Automation and Computation (AUTOCOM)(2024)

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The Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) aimed to improve privacy, boost security, and reinforce system integrity for users of the Windows operating system. The NGSCB’s approach relied on hardware that was specifically developed and constructed to meet the criteria set by the Trusted Computing Group, a consortium focused on creating and advocating for secure computing standards. In addition, the programme aimed to include sophisticated functionalities such as hardware-based system isolation, which creates a safe setting for handling sensitive processes, and encrypted routes for user authentication, guaranteeing the secure management and transmission of user credentials. The NGSCB’s dedication to developing a better secure and trustworthy computing experience was emphasised via its diverse approach. It discusses the scepticism and criticism that the NGSCB encountered on the possibility of restrictions being placed on user rights and the eventual reduction in the scope of its goals. The abstract digs deeper into related study fields, such as the management of unstructured data, the creation of safe computing solutions, and the growth of cloud computing. These areas of research are highlighted in order to bring attention to the continuing difficulties of data security, privacy, and effective data management. Furthermore, it presents the possibility of NGSCB capabilities being included into later Microsoft products, which is an indication of the company’s impact on succeeding technology.
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