Advances in the evolution research and genetic breeding of peanut


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Peanut is an important cash crop used in oil, food and feed in our country. The rapid development of sequencing technology has promoted the research on the related aspects of peanut genetic breeding. This paper reviews the research progress of peanut origin and evolution, genetic breeding, molecular markers and their applications, genomics, QTL mapping and genome selection techniques. The main problems of molecular genetic breeding in peanut research worldwide include: the narrow genetic resources of cultivated species, unstable genetic transformation and unclear molecular mechanism of important agronomic traits. Considering the severe challenges regarding the supply of edible oil, and the main problems in peanut production, the urgent research directions of peanut are put forward: The de novo domestication and the exploitation of excellent genes from wild resources to improve modern cultivars; Integration of multi-omics data to enhance the importance of big data in peanut genetics and breeding; Cloning the important genes related to peanut agronomic traits and analyzing their fine regulation mechanisms; Precision molecular design breeding and using gene editing technology to accurately improve the key traits of peanut.
Peanut,Evolution,Genetic breeding,Genome,Molecular breeding
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