A Novel Approach to Reduce Derivative Costs in Variational Quantum Algorithms

Giovanni Minuto,Simone Caletti,Paolo Solinas


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We present a detailed numerical study of an alternative approach, named Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement (QNDM), to efficiently estimate the gradients or the Hessians of a quantum observable. This is a key step and a resource-demanding task when we want to minimize the cost function associated with a quantum observable. In our detailed analysis, we account for all the resources needed to implement the QNDM approach with a fixed accuracy and compare them to the current state-of-the-art method. We find that the QNDM approach is more efficient, i.e. it needs fewer resources, in evaluating the derivatives of a cost function.These advantages are already clear in small dimensional systems and are likely to increase for practical implementations and more realistic situations. Since the vast majority of the Variational Quantum Algorithms can be formulated in the discussed framework, our results can have significant implications in quantum optimization algorithms and make the QNDM approach a valuable alternative to implement Variational Quantum Algorithms on near-term quantum computers.
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