Almost Optically Dark Galaxies in DECaLS (I): Detection, Optical Properties, and Possible Origins

Lin Du,Wei Du, Cheng Cheng,Ming Zhu,Haiyang Yu,Hong Wu


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We report the discovery of eight optical counterparts of ALFALFA extragalactic objects from DECaLS, five of which are discovered for the first time. These objects were flagged as H i emission sources with no optical counterparts in SDSS before. Multiband data reveal their unusual physical properties. They are faint and blue (g - r = -0.35 similar to 0.55), with quite low surface brightness ( mu g,peak=24.88 similar to 26.41mag/arcsec2 ), irregular morphologies, low stellar masses ( log10(M*/M circle dot)=5.27 similar to 7.15 ), low star formation rates (SFR = 0.21 similar to 9.24 x 10-3 M circle dot yr-1), and remarkably high H i-to-stellar mass ratios ( log10(MHI/M*)=1.72 similar to 3.22 , except AGC 215415). They deviate from the scaling relations between H i and optical properties defined by the ALFALFA sample and the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. They agree well with the main sequence of star-forming galaxies but exhibit low star-forming efficiency. Based on their physical properties and environments, we speculate that six of these objects may have originated from tidal processes, while the remaining two appear to have isolated origins. They may have had a relatively calm evolutionary history and only begun to form stars recently.
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