Comments on "Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France)" [Cretaceous Res. 108 (2020) 104342] and "Astronomical calibration of the OAE1b from the Col de Pre-Guittard section (AptianAlbian) Vocontian Basin" [Cretaceous Res. 150 (2023) 105618]


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We wish to point out an obvious error made by one of us (J.F. Deconinck), and kindly reported by J.G. Breheret, the reason why we have jointly decided to publish this correction. The error affects at varying degrees the scientific quality and partly invalidates the conclusions of the following articles: Corentin et al. (2020) "Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France) " (Cretaceous Research, 108). and Ait-Itto et al. (2023)"Astronomical calibration of the OAE1b from the Col de Pre-Guittard section (AptianeAlbian) Vocontian Basin" (Cretaceous Research, 150). Indeed, for the Vocontian basin, the analytical work, whatever its quality, was carried out on a stratigraphic interval which does not correspond to the presentation made. The two articles in question did not take into account the detailed lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy earlier published, notably by Breheret (1997) and Breheret & Brumsack (2000) mentioning known marker beds as presented in these works. Thus, for one of the two sections, the displayed time window assumed to be the lower Albian, actually corresponds to a small part of the middle Albian and a part of the upper Albian. This invalidates many of the proposed results and conclusions. (c) 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Albian,Vocontian basin,Niveau Paquier,Stratigraphy
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