Programmable Encryption Based on Photochromism of Spiropyrans and Donor-Acceptor Stenhouse Adducts

Ang Gao,Fanxi Sun,Yongli Duan, Yuxin Zhang, Xilin Liu, Tianbao Liu, Yinghao Ji, Qinyu Wu,Xu Deng,Yonghao Zheng,Chen Wei,Dongsheng Wang


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Improving information security is a persistent challenge for conventional secrecy approaches such as single and double encryption. In this work, programmable encryption is reported, involving multiple stimuli to independently control different encrypted information, to boost data security. The linear-cyclic isomerization of donor-acceptor Stenhouse adducts (DASAs) and spirocyclic-merocyanine (SC-MC) isomerization of spiropyrans (SPs) on paper substrate surface are optimized by integration of ester-contained functional molecules, making them be controlled by light irradiation and heat. By controlling the sequence of three inputs (UV light, visible light, heat), the hybrid encrypted message combining DASAs and SPs exhibits distinct outputs. The encrypted message can be recorded in various forms including characters, text, and figures. Because of the multiplied number of outputs, this method offers a straightforward and powerful solution for safeguarding data in different contexts, which enhances clarity and effectiveness, ensuring resistance to tampering and counterfeiting of the encrypted information. A programmable encryption is presented by leveraging the unique photochromic property of spiropyrans (SPs) and donor-acceptor Stenhouse adducts (DASAs). By manipulating stimuli sequences including UV light, visible light, and heat, four distinct encrypted states can be obtained and switched. This approach offers improved clarity, effectiveness, and resistance to tampering, making it a robust solution for secure data handling. image
donor-acceptor Stenhouse adducts,dynamic control,photochromism,programmable encryption,spiropyrans
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