Signaling mechanisms underlying activity-dependent integration of adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb.

Suyang Bao,Juan M Romero, Benjamin D W Belfort,Benjamin R Arenkiel

Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)(2024)

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Adult neurogenesis has fascinated the field of neuroscience for decades given the prospects of harnessing mechanisms that facilitate the rewiring and/or replacement of adult brain tissue. The subgranular zone of the hippocampus and the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle are the two main areas in the brain that exhibit ongoing neurogenesis. Of these, adult-born neurons within the olfactory bulb have proven to be a powerful model for studying circuit plasticity, providing a broad and accessible avenue into neuron development, migration, and continued circuit integration within adult brain tissue. This review focuses on some of the recognized molecular and signaling mechanisms underlying activity-dependent adult-born neuron development. Notably, olfactory activity and behavioral states contribute to adult-born neuron plasticity through sensory and centrifugal inputs, in which calcium-dependent transcriptional programs, local translation, and neuropeptide signaling play important roles. This review also highlights areas of needed continued investigation to better understand the remarkable phenomenon of adult-born neuron integration.
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