Condition assessment of timber in the old built heritage - a case study

Procedia Structural Integrity(2024)

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Where the rehabilitation and repair of ancient buildings is prevalent, the primary focus is on preserving existing materials and construction techniques. To achieve this, it is crucial that technicians have the expertise and tools to assess the value of traditional materials. This article introduces a practical methodology for identifying and evaluating the physical-mechanical properties of wood in ancient ordinary buildings. The study is grounded in the latest technical-scientific guidelines at the European level and adheres to grading rules defined by European regulations, which have been adapted for structures in service. The methodology also addresses the assessment of widespread biological degradation. The study provides a robust foundation for the technical implementation of in-service inspection actions for wooden structures in built heritage in Portugal and Europe, but its findings can be extrapolated to other countries as well. As a practical illustration, we present and discuss the assessment of a beam representative of a 19th-century ordinary building's wooden floor structure. In this case study, we applied a practical and viable assessment strategy, supported by an on-site inspection procedure. We conclude that inspection work is fundamental to underpinning a well-structured project and that equipping technicians with experience in working with ancient buildings and a practical and straightforward methodology is key to successful condition monitoring. This work forms part of the research activity conducted at Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS) and has been funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) as part of project UIDB/04625/2020.
Timber, condition monitoring, built heritage, conservation,rehabilitation,biological degradation,assessment,visual strength grading
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