Exploring Bodily Sensation Maps of Emotions for Physiological Correlates A Narrative Review

Ricardo Ramos de Carvalho,Claudia Berlim de Mello,Mariana Cardoso Melo, José Roberto Leite


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Research on the subjective perception of emotions, based on bodily sensation maps (BSMs) indicating increased or decreased perceived physiological activity through interoception, has found distinctive bodily topographies for each emotion. Analysis of these BSMs reveals - based on 11 papers - that the regions of the head, chest, and throat are consistently perceived with increased activity across all emotions. However, the throat's role in the emotional process has been less explored. This review focuses on the throat region, housing the hyoid bone and its associated muscles, suggesting these structures may serve as a physiological basis for subjective reports. Essentially, the sensations associated with increased activity in throat regions could result from the activity of these muscles and hyoid’s movement. Considering the important role these muscles play, some directly linked to emotional responses, such as respiration, vocalization, and influence on body posture, they could offer a potential pathway for emotional regulation.
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