Edge Artificial Intelligence in Large-Scale IoT Systems, Applications, and Big Data Infrastructures.

SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference(2023)

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As the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape grows, with estimates exceeding 75 billion devices by 2025, effective data management and processing become primary challenges. Traditional cloud-centric models may struggle under this large data volume. This research presents Edge AI as an innovative solution, integrating artificial intelligence directly at data sources like sensors and cameras. This ensures real-time analytics and decision-making, promoting responsive and tailored actions. Our literature review details Edge AI's distinct characteristics and applications. The interaction of Edge AI with large-scale IoT domains is critically examined, emphasizing their combined potential. Within big data infrastructures, a comparative study contrasts Edge AI and cloud-based AI, investigating processing speeds, optimization techniques, and essential metrics. The in-herent limitations of Edge AI and current challenges are also discussed. In summary, Edge AI offers notable improvements in operational efficiency, data privacy, and bandwidth use. As IoT continues its rapid expansion, the strategic deployment of Edge AI becomes crucial, leading to a future where data is not just collected but smartly utilized.
Edge Computing,Edge Artificial Intelligence,Edge AI,Cloud-based AI,IoT,IoT Systems,Big Data,Scalability
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