Structured Light-Based Underwater Collision-Free Navigation and Dense Mapping System for Refined Exploration in Unknown Dark Environments

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems(2024)

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Underwater collision-free navigation and dense reconstruction are essential for marine refined exploration. However, existing passive vision-based methods are difficult to apply in low-light and weak-feature underwater environments. In this article, a more adaptable three-dimensional (3-D) dense mapping robotic system based on self-designed scanning binocular structured light (BSL), named ROV-Scanner, is developed to address this challenge. First, the measurement principle based on the refraction model ensures its high accuracy. Second, an underwater 3-D dense mapping algorithm fusing the Doppler velocity log (DVL), inertial measurement unit (IMU), and pressure sensor multifrequency information is proposed to realize dense mapping during robot motion. Then, an air–water two-stage extrinsic calibration algorithm is proposed. In particular, the extrinsic parameters between DVL and camera are innovatively calibrated using BSL, enhancing robustness. Furthermore, for the first time, a framework of BSL-based collision-free navigation is presented to guarantee the safe movement of the system in unknown environments. Experimental results show that our system can simultaneously achieve autonomous collision-free navigation and dense mapping in dark underwater environments, which has great potential for application in marine refined exploration.
Refined exploration,structured light vision,underwater collision-free navigation,underwater dense mapping
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