Environmental Surveillance through Machine Learning-Empowered Utilization of Optical Networks


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Exploiting the existing optical fiber network’s terrestrial infrastructure offers unexpected solutions to global challenges. We aim to expand the current network by incorporating a streaming telemetry system to integrate earthquake early detection. The purpose is to analyze and interpret alteration of light’s polarization induced by seismic events, particularly Primary earthquake waves that precede destructive Surface waves. This analysis facilitates the development of an early warning system and implementation of earthquakes countermeasures to mitigate humanitarian and economic impact. Consequently, we have developed a Python-based Waveplate Model designed to monitor light’s polarization changes within optical fibers buried underground. The model incorporates real ground displacement data from a 4.9 magnitude earthquake that struck in Marradi region, central Italy. We propose a novel approach of a smart sensing grid of optical network empowered by machine learning, trained on a large number of polarization evolution extracted from two distinct sensing fibers to identify the pattern of polarization change occurring during Marradi earthquake. Test Results demonstrate that this method can detect Primary waves within one second time-frame, achieving an accuracy rate of 99.5%. This system therefore affords nearby regions 52 seconds to take emergency response, and an extended margin of 62 seconds in more distant areas.
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